Elementor #73749

Narcea thermal power plant was located in Soto de la Barca in Asturias

The Narcea thermal power plant was located in Soto de la Barca in the municipality of Tineo, in the Principality of Asturias. It is located at 213m above sea level on the banks of the Narcea river.

Key figures


Year commercial operations began

Adjancent instalations

2 gypsum, ash and slag landfills


Date dismantling started

41 months

Estimated end date of the dismantling




In defining the dismantling works, environmental measures and safety procedures have been considered a priority to ensure they are carried out correctly and that third parties and the environment are not affected.

The buildings and installations at the power plants feature different types and combinations of structural elements. Therefore, a combination of manual and mechanical procedures have been incorporated into the dismantling and demolition methodology, in some cases combining the two types of procedures and using explosives to carry out controlled blasting.

What does the process consist of?

  • Demolition using machinery:

  • By pushing or pulling or using backhoes fitted with cutters to demolish the structure starting from the top and going down.

  • Using hydraulic hammers mounted on mobile equipment.
  • By controlled blasting to collapse structures and buildings using explosives.
  • Removal of protrusions and footings above the current level.
  • Filling in holes with suitable material.
  • Levelling the area.
Dismantling works carried out

The dismantling works carried out to date are: 

  • The tasks of cleaning and removing explosive atmospheres from deposits and circuits. 

  • The electrical systems (including the power transformers), the main equipment (turbine, alternator, mills, fans, etc.) and a large part of the interconnection pipes between the boiler and the turbine have been dismantled, having previously had their thermal insulation removed.

Local hiring

There are around 90 people on site working on these tasks, of which the following are locally hired:

  • 9 people from the Just Transition Institute list (7 of them residents in Cerceda, Ordes or Carral).

  • 17 people from Cerceda, Ordes and Carral.

  • 45 people from other municipalities in the province.

  • Occasional participation of local companies


The fact that most of the plot is a “flood zone” will make it difficult to develop future industrial activities and using the existing diversion dam and other riverbank installations has been ruled out as this use is incompatible with restoring the riverbed. Possible solution to protect the plot are under analysis taking into account CHC criteria.

Third-party use of ash deposited in the plant’s non-hazardous waste landfill is under study and town refurbishment may be an opportunity for new activities.

Naturgy inicia el desmantelamiento de la central térmica del Narcea

Naturgy ha recibido la última autorización necesaria para iniciar el desmantelamiento de la central térmica del Narcea. Esta central, situada en Soto de la Barca, dentro del término municipal de Tineo (Principado de Asturias), comenzó su operación comercial en 1965 y la compañía solicitó autorización para su parada definitiva y cierre en diciembre de 2018. 

Useful information