

General Shareholders’ Meeting

25 March 2025

We offer accessible information and management tools for our shareholders

Attending to our shareholders’ needs is a priority. We provide tools for determining share values and calculating their profitability.


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Financial Calculator

All the evolution and performance of the value of Natury’s shares. 

Shareholder remuneration

Find out more about the dividends paid to our shareholders.

Shareholders' General Meeting

Consult the documentation from the last Shareholders’ General Meetings here. 

Correspondence with the company

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Retail Shareholders’ Office


About Naturgy

We are an innovative and sustainable multinational energy group and we are present in the electricity and gas business

Our business model is developed through a large number of companies mainly in Spain, Latin America, Australia, the United States and the rest of Europe.

Throughout the value chain, our business model stands out as a leader in the gas sector and a benchmark in the power sector, in both cases guaranteeing a regular power supply, essential for a quality service and fulfilling our social responsibilities, while providing a wide range of value-added services and promoting sustainable innovation as a driver of development.

What is Naturgy’s position in the Spanish market?

Naturgy is the largest integrated gas and electricity company in Spain, leader in the gas sector and the third operator in the electricity sector.

It leads gas distribution in Spain, serving more than 1,200 municipalities and exceeding 5.4 million supply points. In the electricity business, it distributes to 3.8 million supply points. In electricity generation it has a relevant presence in both renewable and conventional generation.

What international presence does the Naturgy Group have?

Naturgy is mainly present in Spain and, outside Spanish territory, in Latin America, Australia, the United States and the rest of Europe

To see more details of the businesses in each country, you can click on the link Presence in the World.

 Who are the main shareholders?



  • GIP: Global Infrastructure Partners.

What is the number of shares outstanding?

The share capital is 969,613,801 euros, and it is fully subscribed and paid up. The share capital is made up of 969,613,801 shares with a face value of 1 euro each, represented by book entries, belonging to the same class and series, and carrying the same political and economic rights.

What is the stock market code of Naturgy’s shares?

Since 2 July 2018, the trading code of Naturgy Energy Group S.A. shares on the Spanish continuous market has been “NTGY”, which replaced the code “GAS” used from May 2001 to that date. Previously and since July 1989, the date on which electronic trading began, “CTG” was used until May 2001.

What is the ISIN code of Naturgy’s shares?

The ISIN code of Naturgy shares is ES0116870314

On which stock exchanges are Naturgy’s shares traded?

The shares are listed on the four Spanish stock exchanges (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia) through the Continuous Market.

Which stock market indices are Naturgy’s shares part of?

They have formed part of the Spanish Selective Index (IBEX 35) since its origins (1992).

Likewise, Naturgy’s shares form part of sustainability indices such as:

  • FTSE4Good
  • Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Euronext Vigeo
  • Sustainalytics ESG Rating


These indices include the world’s best-positioned companies in meeting the criteria of sustainability and corporate responsibility.

For more information, visit our Sustainability Indices section on our corporate website. 

How can I invest in Naturgy shares?

Any banking entity, securities agency or brokerage firm will be able to access the secondary market where securities are negotiated through an authorised financial intermediary.

The intermediary must be registered at the Spanish National Securities Market Commission or the Banco de España and must be authorised to provide investment services in Spain or to an EU member state.

How can I consult Naturgy’s share price?

You will be able to consult the share price in the share price section of our corporate website. There are also other options such as making comparisons with reference indices, companies in the sector, consulting  historical share prices  and exporting them to Excel, among others.

You can also consult the share price through other websites of financial intermediaries or stock market institutions, such as for example:

Stock Exchanges and Markets
Madrid Stock Exchange 
Barcelona Stock Exchange

What is the ex date with respect to the dividend payment?

This is the date from which the shares are no longer entitled to the next dividend (two trading days before payment).

When is it necessary to have the shares to be entitled to the dividend?

According to the stock exchange settlement systems, it is necessary to be in possession of the shares at the close of the day prior to the date called “ex date”, which is the date on which the shares are listed, having already discounted the dividend, and no longer have the right to collect it.

When can the shares be sold without losing the right to collect the dividend?

At any time from the ex date, as the dividend has already been deducted even though the payment has not yet been made.


When will the Shareholders’ General Meeting be held?
In accordance with article 164 of the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law, the ordinary shareholders’ general meeting, previously called for this purpose, shall necessarily meet within the first six months of each financial year, in order, where appropriate, to approve the management of the company, the accounts of the previous financial year and decide on the application of the result. This will be before 30 June of each year.
Where is the Shareholders’ General Meeting held?
In accordance with article 175 of the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law, the shareholders’ general meeting will be held in the municipality where the company has its registered office. Since Naturgy’s registered office is at Av. de América 38, 28028 Madrid, the Shareholders’ General Meeting must be held in the municipality of Madrid.
The exact place and time it is to be held shall be stated in the Shareholders’ General Meeting Notice.
What is the minimum number of shares required to be owned to attend the Meeting?
Shareholders may attend the Shareholders’ General Meeting if they own any number of shares, provided that they are registered in the corresponding accounting register (Iberclear) five days prior to the date of the meeting and they have the corresponding attendance card, which will be issued by the banks in which the shares are deposited, or directly by Naturgy.
If I am a shareholder and cannot attend the Shareholders’ General Meeting, can I be represented by another person?
The right to attend the Shareholders’ General Meeting may be delegated to any person, provided that Naturgy is informed of the representation granted. The representation must be granted in writing or by means of remote notification in the manner established in the Shareholders’ General Meeting notice, which may include postal correspondence, e-mail or any other electronic communication technique admitted by Naturgy for these purposes to ensure the identity of both the shareholder granting the representation and the representative designated by them, as well as the security and integrity of the content of the remote notification.
The representation must be received by Naturgy up to 12 midnight on the day prior to the commencement of the Shareholders’ General Meeting at first or second call, as the case may be, and the Board of Directors may reduce this anticipation by giving it the same publicity as is given to the announcement of the call.
If I am a shareholder and cannot attend the Shareholders’ General Meeting, can I be represented by my spouse/parent/son/daughter?
The legal restrictions shall not apply when the representative is the spouse or an ascendant or descendant of the represented party, nor when the latter holds a general power of attorney granted in a public document with powers to administer all the assets that the represented party has in national territory. In this case, the relationship must be proven when attending the meeting.
If a shareholder cannot attend the Shareholders’ General Meeting, can they vote remotely?
Shareholders entitled to attend may cast their vote on proposals relating to items on the agenda by postal correspondence or electronic communication.
Votes by postal correspondence will be cast by sending the company a written statement stating the vote, accompanied by the attendance card.
Voting by electronic communication shall be admitted when, subject to conditions of security and suitability, the Board of Directors so determines by means of a resolution, and shall be notified in the announcement of the notice of the meeting in question. In said resolution, the Board shall define the applicable conditions for the valid remote casting of votes by electronic communication, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Shareholders’ General Meeting.


Where can I find financial information about the company?
All the documentation and legal information required by the Securities Market Supervisory Body, the Comisión Nacional de Mercado de Valores (CNMV, Spain’s National Securities Market Commission), is available on our corporate website and on that of the CNMV
For more information, please visit our  Economic Information section.


What is a credit rating?
A credit rating is an indicator of an entity’s ability to pay its debt. The agencies responsible for determining both long-term and short-term credit risk, base their calculations on variables such as payment history and the relationship between the company’s assets and debt, among others.

Why is it important?
It creates an international profile with which you can more easily access the market for financing and allows you to have a global reference to compare our situation and evolution with other companies.

Being under permanent surveillance of the financial health of the company increases transparency.
What is the current rating of the company?

S&P GlobalBBBStable

This information can be found in the Ratings section of our corporate website.