Sustainability indexes

Our presence in these indexes highlights the hard work in the area of corporate responsibility and information transparency and demonstrates external recognition of the excellent evolution of our actions in these areas.
Year included: 2001

Leading position among the most sustainable companies in the utilities sector renewed.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
Year included: 2009

World leader for the 13th year in a row for our actions related to climate change and water management.

Euronext Vigeo
Year included: 2013

We are part of the Euro 120 index based on the agency’s biannual assessment.

Sustainalytics ESG Rating
Year included: 2017

We have a medium risk profile among the 706 utilities that were assessed.

ISS ESG Rating
Year included: 2014

We remain among the 10% of companies in the industry with the highest ratings. 


Awarded a golden medal for our performance in terms of social, environmental and good governance issues by this global provider of business sustainability ratings. 

S&P Global
Year included: 2004

The company is ranked in the top 10% in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024, based on the agency’s 2023 sustainability assessment.

Moody’s ESG solution

We have a score of 60 out of 100, which puts us in an advanced performance category.