Our suppliers

We promote trustworthy, stable, solid and mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers

Suppliers and collaborating companies are fundamental actors in the optimal functioning of our value chain, with whom we promote relationships under the principles of transparency and risk management.

We establish objective and impartial mechanisms for the evaluation and selection of suppliers, ensuring that the supply chain complies with the principles established by the Supplier Code of Ethics, to which all suppliers must adhere and whose content emanates from the Ethical Code, the Human Rights Policy , The Health and Safety Policy, the Environmental Policy, and the Anti-Corruption Policy, as well as internationally recognized principles of good governance.

Our risks extend beyond where our activity ends, as it can be seriously impacted by inadequate performance of suppliers and contractors in matters of the environment, health and safety, human rights, labor practices or corruption. The management of these risks is included within the global management model of the supply chain that is based on the assessment of the risk factors intrinsic to the outsourcing of a service or the supply of a product. This makes it possible to establish controls that minimize risks and guarantee a level of compliance by suppliers equivalent to the requirements that the group meets in the activities it carries out internally. This risk management model is implemented globally.

In addition, the responsible supply chain is established as one of the 8 commitments of the company:

How to be a supplier

Contact one of the different Purchasing Units to start the Initial Supplier Assessment.

Contract conditions

Purchasing conditions are general documents designed to govern the relations between companies in the Group and their suppliers.

These terms and conditions shall apply to public-works and services contracts and to the purchase and assembly of materials and/or equipment, as agreed between the Group’s companies and their suppliers.

They are made up of a general part applicable in all countries and a specific part corresponding to each country, the current version of the documents being applicable at all times.

Contractual terms and conditions of each country

Online procedures for suppliers



In order to streamline common procedures, we provide our suppliers with an online platform whose services include order managementconsultation and documentation management related to contracts, invoice control and electronic invoicing.

Health, safety and wellness

In compliance with the regulations for the coordination of business activities (CAE), the minimum requirements for document exchange to be met are defined based on the level of risk of the activity.


In order to ensure supply chain cyber-security, Naturgy group establishes cybersecurity clauses applicable to contracting services or products from third parties”.

“Cyber-security Clauses” in English

Commitment to equality

As a company, we are committed to equality and promoting equal opportunities in all areas and for all purposes; we do not accept discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, race, political and religious beliefs, trade union membership or any other kind. We believe that equality is more than just a word, it’s a principle that must govern all our actions and decisions. In a diverse and constantly evolving world, companies must make a strong commitment to equality.

Our commitment to equality is reflected in the Naturgy Group Equality Plan 2023-2027, which contains a series of measures to promote equality in the group, encouraging actions in different areas: communication and awareness raising among employees; selection and recruitment; equal pay; health and safety with a gender perspective; and joint responsibility and work-life balance, integrating the Naturgy Group values.

Useful information

Naturgy's code of ethics
Code of ethics for suppliers
Human Rights
Our Contractor Profile


To send us any questions or queries related to the supplier area, you can contact us through the following email:
