Human Rights Policy

We strive to be an active agent in the protection of human rights within our sphere of influence and based on the degree of impact. In keeping with the Code of Ethics and the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, we have formalised our commitment in this area.


Scope and area of application

Human Rights Commitments

Avoiding discriminatory practices or those that undermine the dignity of people.
Eradicating the use of child labour
Ensuring freedom of association and collective negotiation
Protecting people’s health
Ensuring suitable employment and salary
Commitment to the people related to suppliers, contractors, external collaborators and business partners
Respecting indigenous communities and traditional ways of life
Protecting facilities and people while respecting human rights
Supporting and promoting respect of human rights in the surrounding community
Contributing to tackling corruption and protecting privacy

Procedures for compliance with the Human Rights Policy

We promote awareness of human rights in our area of action, supporting international incentives such as the United Nations Global Compact.

The company will analyse the primary factors of human rights to be considered in its operating areas, both at the national level and in the operations of the company itself.

The company’s employees are obliged to inform the company, confidentially and without fear of reprisals, of any failure to comply with the commitments outlined in this policy that they may observe.

Each year, we will define specific indicators that reflect putting the commitments in this policy into practice, as well as any controversies that may have arisen in the area of the different operating environments.