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Climate change and energy transition

- Achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest by reducing total Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, setting interim targets aligned with the Paris Agreement reduction pathways of 1.5°C – 2°C.
- Align new investments with the Paris Agreement targets by promoting renewable and decarbonised energy, energy savings and efficiency, and climate adaptation.
- Annually publish the carbon footprint in all its scopes, verified by an independent third party by establishing systems to monitor and reduce emissions.
- Integrate the climate variable into risk and opportunity management and strategic planning, in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).
- Support international climate change negotiations and market mechanisms that foster the development of the most appropriate technologies at each stage of the energy transition.
- Promote, directly and through alliances with other actors, climate policies aligned with the Paris Agreement, ensuring permanence only in the trade associations that meet this criterion and publish an annual list of them.
- Promote decarbonisation in line with the principles of just transition and involve the supply chain by boosting measures that reduce the carbon footprint of collaborating companies.
- We are building new renewable power generation projects so that they represent around 50% of our total installed capacity by 2025.
- We foster electric and gas mobility to improve air quality and health in cities.
- We provide our customers with energy services that help them save money on their bills and reduce climate change.
- We reduce leaks in our gas networks by replacing material and implementing technological and operational improvements.
- We set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with science.
- We follow the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).
- We work with public authorities, associations and other entities to create and communicate technical knowledge to reduce climate change and actively participate in international climate change summits (COPs).
Facts that support our commitment
* 2023 data
** Evolution in 2023 compared to 2017
** Evolution in 2023 compared to 2017
Seals of quality

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Change A List): we have been recognised for our climate management with an A- rating in CDP Climate Change 2023 and we have remained in the leadership band since 2011. 1.

Calculo y Reduzco (“I Calculate and Reduce”): Another year, the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition has awarded us this seal of quality that distinguishes those organisations that calculate their carbon footprint and are on the path to reducing their emissions.

We lead the Forética Climate Change Cluster, which is the benchmark business platform in Spain for climate change issues.