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Fixed income
Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. obtained its first rating in February 1999. In October that same year, it formalised its first EMTN – Euro Medium Term Notes Programme. This programme enables Naturgy to issue bonds in the European market, with a public or private format and variable terms.
The EMTN programme is listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange with Naturgy Finance Iberia S.A as issuers.
In March 2001, Naturgy increased its presence in the European capitals markets with an ECP -Euro Commercial Paper- programme, with short-term bonds worth 1 billion.
Naturgy Finance Iberia S.A (“the Issuer”), subsidiary of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., has issued the following undated subordinated securities.
NCM was incorporated for the purposes of obtaining funding for the Naturgy Energy Group. The aim of the NCM is to raise funds through the issue of debt financial instruments, including straight and subordinated debt.
NFI was incorporated to make it possible to obtain financing for the Naturgy Group. In order to fulfill this purpose, NFI is authorised to raise funds through the issuing of financial instruments including ordinary and subordinated debt.
This section contains the main terms and conditions of the issuance.