We offer stable, quality employment as well as a solid, structured and attractive professional career

Characteristics of our professionals include thoroughness and professionalism, an interest in life-long learning and self-improvement, an innovative spirit
We believe promoting a safe, quality working environment is essential, prioritising the personal and professional development of our employees. We also promote a work environment based on respect, dialogue, an appreciation of diversity and, naturally, responsible behaviour.
We have a standard global recruitment process for all our businesses and the countries where we operate, through which we guarantee best practice in the identification, recruitment and retention of talent.
Compliance with our Code of Ethics is obligatory and it establishes the guidelines that govern the ethical conduct of our employees during their daily work, in particular regarding their relationships and interactions with stakeholders.
- Almost 7,000 employees in over 20 countries
- 96,6% open-ended contracts
- 34% women and 66% men
Our commitments to people
Best practice

We apply in the identification, attraction and retention of the talent necessary for developing our businesses while ensuring the principles of equality and non-discrimination on any grounds.

Fostering the professional development of people within the talent management model, ensuring the availability, for all professionals, of the resources, programmes and tools necessary to enhance their skills and abilities.

Promoting a motivating work environment that ensures internal recognition of the effort culture, the necessary independence to enable creation, development and innovation, and a suitable framework of compensation.

Promoting the effective implementation of flexibility mechanisms that facilitate a balance between work and personal life while fostering the human and social development of our people.
Diversity and equal

Fostering diversity and equal opportunities within an environment of respect, constant listening and dialogue, while paying special attention to the inclusion of disability and extending this commitment to suppliers and partner companies

Promoting constant communication between the company and social representatives to enable feedback on decision-making processes.
Our value proposal

Creating sustainable value and transformation have continued to be the pillars of our strategic plan, evolving the organisational model towards a new, simpler and more level structure with the aim of reducing the scope of control and the model’s complexity, giving the business units full responsibility and optimising the support they receive from the corporate functions.
One of the most significant pillars of the talent strategy has been development and training, both focused on defining and implementing the digital profile of professionals as the key to the future. The first step towards this transformation was finding out the starting point of the workforce’s digital skills through the voluntary participation of over 6,000 professionals across all businesses and regions, which enabled us to create an objective map of existing digital skills and skills to be developed. The overall results indicate that our professionals are prepared to incorporate and use technology (70%) in their work, while showing an interest in learning, factors that have led to the smooth launch of our Digital Academy.
- 268 Flex&Lead recruitments
- 41,9 employee training hours
- 97,7% of the workforce trained
Executive Talent
The executive talent management model ensures that positions in the group’s organisational structure are covered, identifies risks and develops the pool of talent needed to meet the company’s objectives.

360° Evaluation
This evaluation is one of the key processes within the executive talent management model. Through a self-evaluation and an assessment of the professional environment (managers, peers, and collaborators), every two years, Naturgy conducts a personalised assessment of the skills of our professionals and identifies strengths and areas for improvement. This element of talent management in Naturgy represents a valuable professional opportunity to identify and set an Annual Development Objective (ODA) aligned with the transformation of the company.
Feedback moment
In line with the strategic value of listening to employees to foster and improve the professional experience at the company, the 360° evaluation involves a “feedback moment” where each manager speaks individually with his or her team to delve further into their results, exchange points of view, and discuss objectives and development actions.

We believe it is essential to foster diversity and equal opportunities and to create an environment based on respect, and constant listening and dialogue, paying special attention to achieving objectives in issues related to gender and the inclusion of people with disabilities, extending this commitment to suppliers and partner companies.
We promote an inclusive culture of awareness and actions that integrate and bring together diversity. This perspective of interest in people guides the company’s way of working and achieving its objectives, and it shares this vision with the entire value chain in the different businesses in which it operates.
This all-encompassing commitment is upheld in the Sustainability and People Strategy, the Corporate Responsibility Policy, the Code of Ethics, the Gender Equality Policy and the Workplace Harassment Prevention Protocol.
- Commitment to equality
Our Equality Plan identifies the strengths that should be maintained and highlights the weaknesses that need to be corrected, as identified by an external expert. These points determine the path that should be followed, indicating actions in the areas of communication and awareness, culture and leadership, development and promotion, payment, flexibility and work/life balance, recruitment, harassment prevention, measurement and monitoring.
- Diversity management
Diversity management is an integral part of our company. Our sustainable business project is committed to investing in and promoting the diverse talent of the organisation and the people who are part of it.
Our efforts in this area are brought to life by concrete initiatives focused on four aspects: gender, generational, disability and functional.
- Protocols
The creation and activation of a specific protocol to combat harassment, the protocol on best practice in recruitment processes and the communication guidelines for business professionals needing to get involved in a recruitment process for any reason are just some of the measures put in place that have led to major advances in terms of diversity and equality.
Specifically, the Harassment Prevention Protocol establishes preventative actions to avoid situations of harassment that include informing all employees of the existence of the protocol, training the entire workforce in this area, particularly employees with staff under their responsibility, the obligation and responsibility of every employee to establish relationships from a position of respect and dignity, and every employee’s obligation to inform his or her line manager of any case of harassment.
In another area of activity, the recruitment processes good practices protocol aims to avoid discrimination in recruitment processes, thereby expanding employability options.

Knowing the level of satisfaction among employees and how they value the actions, services and programmes the company offers them is a key aspect of our commitment to improving their experience.
In order to continually monitor the employee experience, we measure and analyse the various factors included in the climate survey and the Happiness Index (HI) — which measures mood within the company — and segment the information so we can perform specific actions with the different groups and their interests.
We use a multi-channel tool that is 100% online, transparent and anonymous to obtain people’s opinions and perceptions.
Currently, 100% of the workforce can access the tool and participate in the daily and monthly surveys, make recognitions or leave ideas and opinions.
Metrics are analysed monthly by a streamlined, cross-departmental working group who take on a proactive role in designing and implementing specific actions to improve employee experience.

We are committed to driving forward and promoting a balance between work and family life, as well as joint responsibility, as permanent objectives.
These measures, which go beyond the legally established requirements, ensure employees have a greater and better work/life balance and highlight the company’s commitment to achieving this balance. As an example, some of the measures currently in force in Spain include:
- Flexitime as regards starting and finishing work and lunch breaks.
- Continuous working day – no lunch break to finish earlier – from June to September (4 months) and every Friday throughout the year.
- Longer paid leave for marriage, illness and death of family members.
- Paid leave in situations not established by legislation such as separation or divorce, children’s marriage and leave for mothers-to-be from the 38th week of pregnancy.
- Option to take paid leave on non-consecutive days.
- Shorter working day for personal reasons in circumstances different to those established by law.
- Option of accumulating breastfeeding leave.
- Reduction of weekly working hours by an hour as a measure to encourage a work/life balance.
- Working from home

EFR Global Certification
We are the first company in the world to obtain the EFR Global Certification (Family Responsible Company) granted by the Masfamilia Foundation, after undergoing an AENOR audit, certifying the existence of a culture based on flexibility, respect and our mutual commitment to our professionals.
In 2023, the model continued to be applied through 365 local measures in the various countries where we operate, in addition to 20 global measures, all of which are integrated into five action groups defined by the global Family Responsible Company (EFR) Standard 1000/23 and certified by the Spanish Association for Standardisation.