About us
We are a group that is engaged in the generation, distribution and marketing of energy and services, working to ensure the well-being of people, the progress of companies and society and the sustainability of the planet.
More than 16 million costumers
We have an installed capacity of 16,2 GW and a diversified electricity generation mix.
What we do
We operate in regulated and deregulated gas and electricity markets, with a growing contribution from international activity in the following areas:
Gas and electricity distribution
Electricity generation and marketing
Gas infrastructure, supply and marketing
How we do it
Our objective of long-term value creation and sustainable management is based in the four values of our proposal and the eight commitments set out in our Corporate Responsibility Policy:
Our Values
Values such as ethics, integrity, transparency and a concern for the environment form part of our strategic outlook and corporate culture.
Where we work
We are multinacional energy group operating in 20 countries on five continents. Our work includes gas supply and distribution and sales, and electricity generation, distribution and sales.

We want to transform the world with energy

Our business model is committed to the sustainable development of society by guaranteeing a supply of eco-friendly, safe and competitive energy and opting for renewable energies and gases.

Presencia internacional

24 countries

International presence

Potencia instalada de generación

17.1 GW

Installed generation capacity

€ 13.2 B

investments in the 21-25 Strategic Plan (€5 B more than the previous plan)

Posición destacada

16 M customers

Leading position in the markets where it operates

The Energy


We are aware of the global challenge posed by the fight against climate change and we have transformed and redirected our business towards the energy transition.

The Energy


We are aware of the global challenge posed by the fight against climate change and we have transformed and redirected our business towards the energy transition.


Renewable gases

We demonstrate our pioneering spirit by promoting the use of this energy vector that is key to the energy transition and a clear example of the circular economy.


Renewable gases

We demonstrate our pioneering spirit by promoting the use of this energy vector that is key to the energy transition and a clear example of the circular economy.


Energy transition

We take on the responsibility of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest by reducing total scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.


Energy transition

We take on the responsibility of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest by reducing total scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Integridad y transparencia

Shareholders and investors

Integrity and transparency

We encourage transparent information, and responsible, accurate, effective, comprehensive and timely communication. To this effect, we regularly report financial and non-financial information.

Shareholders and investors

Integrity and transparency

We encourage transparent information, and responsible, accurate, effective, comprehensive and timely communication. To this effect, we regularly report financial and non-financial information.

Integridad y transparencia


Aware of the global challenge posed by the fight against climate change, we have transformed and redirected our business towards the energy transition through a strategy based on promoting renewable energies and a sustainable business model that can contribute to the social and environmental challenges facing humanity.

Potencia renovables

6,4 GW


Promotion of renewable energies



biodiversity initiatives

Commitment to no net loss of biodiversity

Huella de carbono


carbon footprint

reduction of emissions compared to 2017


suppliers with ESG audits

Responsible supply chain

2 M costumers

commitment rates

Commitment to lower prices for customers

€23.25 B

economic value generated

Social responsibility

The Palos de la Frontera power plant celebrates 20 years of guaranteeing Andalusia’s electricity supply and increasing competitiveness in the region

Naturgy integrates the operation of all its solar and wind energy in Spain in a large Renewable Control Centre (RCC).

Naturgy celebrates more than a decade recognised as one of the best companies to work for in Spain

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Si te interesa el mundo de la energía y el proceso de transformación en el que está inmersa, te invitamos a compartir nuestra visión de futuro sobre los retos de la transición energética.

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Si te interesa el mundo de la energía y el proceso de transformación en el que está inmersa, te invitamos a compartir nuestra visión de futuro sobre los retos de la transición energética.