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Service excellence

We maintain an active dialogue with customers to improve the safety and competitiveness of our services and products
Responsible action principles with customers
Working towards ongoing improvement in security, reliability and competitiveness in all products and services, offering the best level of quality possible based on the best technology available.
Diversifying and expanding the commercial offering to include products and services of high added value that respond to changing customer needs.
Customer service model
Construction of a model of alliances with suppliers and an alignment of win-to-win goals.
Our tools
Our commercial offer is targeted at households, businesses and major clients. The available products are not limited to the supply of gas and electricity but rather cover a wide range of areas.
Products and services adapted to meet the needs of customers
- Households
- Businesses
- Major clients
- Natural gas and electricity
- Natural gas, electricity and LNG
Energy services
- Equipment
- Added-value services
- Energy efficiency and saving
- Efficiency and sustainability
- Energy solutions
- Customised advice and management
New products are developed to satisfy market needs, which are identified via the mechanisms in place to do so. The commercial offer seeks effectiveness and efficiency above all else:
- Effectiveness for meeting customer demands
- Efficiency for achieving maximum competitiveness
We apply technological innovation to customer service to reduce language, cultural, literacy and disability barriers, ensuring communication with our customers is simpler and more accessible.
We have placed special focus on the most vulnerable groups as an example of our commitment to promoting simple, clear and easy communication with all our customers and adapting to their needs. That is why we have the latest accessibility technology available on all our service channels:
Digital: a renovation project where the priority is for customers to get in touch in any way possible, adapting the website to the international guidelines on accessibility and ensuring universal access to the information.
Telephone: implementation of the SVisual video portal in partnership with the Confederación Estatal de Personas Sordas (Spanish State Confederation of Deaf People) (CNSE), which enables users to communicate remotely and in real time with other deaf people or listeners.
In person: transformation of service centres to eliminate any type of barrier. All the on-site service centres currently have glasses to allow those with vision difficulties to read the small letters, 55% of the centres have ramp access and the flagship centres have a video-conference system so deaf people can communicate through sign language with the centre manager via the SVisual video platform
Customer Channel website
Customers have a space in which to complete any necessary procedures by logging in or as visitors, enabling automatic and 24/7 management of the most standard operations.
There is also the option to ask any question via the online chat feature, meaning that they don’t have to make phone calls.
Contracting website
A new website for customers and non-customers to contract products and services or obtain information with responsive access from any device. It also enables households and businesses to contract an energy supply and services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
An online chat service is included for contracting services or obtaining price information aimed at resolving any query there and then.
Social Media
A Facebook profile with more than 60,000 followers and a Twitter account with more than 40,000 followers (both in Spain) allow both customers and non-customers to stay up to date with the latest news, products, prices and information of interest, providing added value in terms of the immediate contact and approachable nature of this channel.
We are also present on Telegram for any kind of specific contact.
Online contract confirmation
In order to meet the requirements of the new Spanish Distance Selling Act, we send confirmation of the contract by SMS or email. The sale is not confirmed until acceptance is received from the customer.
Costumer Area app
The Customer Area app includes a number of new usability and design improvements, also incorporating the option to take meter readings using a camera (OCR Readings) and fingerprint access to the app.
Services app
A new services app for managing the (SVG and SVE) maintenance and repair of household devices from anywhere at any time. Increased flexibility and convenience for the customer when managing any issues.
Yoleogas Naturgy has launched a mobile app in Spain to involve the customer themselves in the gas meter reading process.
The company has developed and implemented a new image recognition system for taking customer meter readings. This system effectively automates the meter reading and data storage process.
Among the options offered by the app is the possibility to configure notifications so that users are told when a meter reading is required. Furthermore, the app shows a list of past readings so customers can monitor their consumption.
Web de Canal cliente
Los clientes disponen de un espacio donde realizar sus gestiones mediante registro o sin necesidad de él, posibilitando la gestión automática y durante 24h x 7 días a la semana en las operativas más habituales.
Se añade la posibilidad de realizar cualquier consulta mediante Chat online sin necesidad de realizar una llamada.
Web de contratación
Nueva web de contratación e información para clientes y no clientes con acceso responsive y mediante cualquier dispositivo. Adicionalmente, permite la contratación de energía y servicios adecuados a hogares y negocios las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año.
También se incorpora la posibilidad de chat online en el momento de la contratación o información de tarifas, con ello se pretende solucionar cualquier duda en el mismo momento.
Redes sociales
En España Facebook con más de 60.000 seguidores y Twitter con más de 40.000 followers, permiten tanto a los clientes como a los no clientes estar informados de novedades, productos y tarifas e información de interés, que nos aportan un valor añadido por la inmediatez en el contacto y la proximidad.
También estamos presentes en la actualidad, en Telegram para alguna tipología de contacto determinada.
Confirmación electrónica de la contratación
Como adaptación a los requerimientos de la nueva Ley de Venta a Distancia en España, envío de confirmación de la contratación mediante SMS o correo electrónico. Hasta no disponer de la aceptación por parte del cliente, la venta no se da por cerrada.
APP Area cliente
App de Área clientes con nuevas mejoras de usabilidad y diseño, incorporando adicionalmente la posibilidad de realizar las lecturas mediante fotografía del contador (Lecturas OCR) y acceso a la aplicación mediante huella digital.
APP Servicios
Nueva aplicación de servicios para gestionar el (SVG y SVE) mantenimiento y reparación de los dispositivos del hogar desde cualquier lugar y hora. Mayor agilidad y comodidad en el contacto de gestión que el cliente necesita.
Naturgy ha lanzado en España una aplicación móvil para involucrar al propio cliente en el proceso de toma de lectura del gas.
La compañía ha desarrollado e implantado un nuevo sistema de reconocimiento de imágenes para recoger lecturas de contador de los clientes. Con este sistema se consigue la automatización del proceso de lecturas y almacenamiento de lectura.
Entre las opciones que ofrece la aplicación, se encuentra la configuración de notificaciones para que el usuario reciba un aviso en el momento en que debe realizar la lectura del contador. Además, la aplicación muestra el histórico de lecturas para que el cliente pueda llevar el control de su consumo.