GAS NATURAL FENOSA’s Director of Aragón and Southern Catalonia, Daniel Isart Romero, and the President of the Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (CEPYME) of Aragón, Aurelio López de Hita, signed a partnership agreement today to promote advantageous conditions for contracting the company’s products and services among members of the business organisation.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA will advise member companies associated with CEPYME on energy supply, comfort, energy efficiency, mobility and lighting.
The company will offer its products and services under the best available terms through a customised and distinctive proposal, providing them with the commercial offer that best suits their needs and that enables them to save money on their bills.
In this way, GAS NATURAL SERVICIOS will provide various energy solutions, including a service to renew and/or convert centralised boiler rooms for heating, and hot water from diesel/LPG to natural gas; the supply from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant aimed at clients in the service and industrial sector with no access to the piped gas network; lighting solutions based on LED technology and renewable air conditioning based on geothermal technology, as well as energy management for heating equipment by means of an electric heat pump.
Commitment to energy efficiency
GAS NATURAL FENOSA provides personalised solutions to its customers aimed at meeting their energy requirements while improving their competitiveness through innovation, a commitment to energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.