Today, Madrid City Hall’s Area for Equality, Social Rights and Employment and the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation signed a collaboration agreement to establish a general framework for taking joint actions to fight energy poverty for families and to promote training and rehabilitating housing for a part of the population in a situation of vulnerability. Madrid City Council Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Area of Equality, Social Rights and Employment Marta Higueras and GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation director Martí Solà signed the agreement today at the site of the EMVS.
The agreement between the two entities will optimise the infrastructures and material and human resources that Madrid City Hall and the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation have to carry out specific actions and, especially, in the area of training and employment for people with difficulties in accessing the workforce. Some of the actions to be carried out include those related to energy efficiency and rehabilitating housing for those who are most vulnerable.
According to statements by Madrid City Council Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Area of Equality, Social Rights and Employment Marta Higueras, “this agreement is part of Madrid City Hall’s 2017-2019 Strategic Plan for Human Rights, which includes among its strategic objectives those of favouring the right to access energy (electricity, gas and other energy sources) for those with the least economic resources, as well as the commitment of both entities”-
Meanwhile, the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation director remarked after signing the agreement on the importance of “working together with the administration on long-term solutions. With this agreement, the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation maintains its commitment to improve conditions for those in a situation of vulnerability, both in access to energy, and in maintaining and rehabilitating their homes”. Martí Solà also highlighted the priority of providing information and raising awareness in society with regard to respecting and preserving the environment, as well as to making economic progress compatible with the rational use of energy resources.
Collaboration with the Employment Agency
Both entities, through joint work with the Employment Agency, will develop a specific training programme in the area of rehabilitating homes for the EMVS (Madrid’s Municipal Housing and Land Company), to facilitate employment for unemployed people in the construction sector, especially those with the greatest difficulties in accessing the workforce. Later, these groups of professionals will conduct improvement and rehabilitation works on the homes of families in situations of vulnerability.
Both parties give absolute priority to collaborating together to make progress and the economic development of society compatible with special efforts in promoting and searching for opportunities for those who are most economically vulnerable. To achieve that, they have signed this framework agreement, which includes the creation of a monitoring commission, which will include two people designated by the Area of Government for Equality, Social Rights and Employment, and another two by the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation, who will ensure fulfilment of the Agreement.