Earlier today, the General Manager of Communication and Institutional Relations of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Jordi Garcia Tabernero, the General Manager of the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, Martí Solà, and the President of the Spanish Red Cross, Javier Senent, signed a partnership agreement to help groups affected by energy vulnerability in Spain.
“Under this agreement, the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation and Spanish Red Cross have agreed to advise groups affected by energy poverty on issues related to energy consumption, energy efficiency in the home and their bills, among other things”, said the President of the Spanish Red Cross, Javier Senent.
The General Manager of Communication and Institutional Relations of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Jordi Garcia Tabernero, said that “efforts to ease energy vulnerability require collaboration from the authorities, society and power companies. GAS NATURAL FENOSA launched a specific plan in this regard, the Energy Vulnerability Plan, which provides a framework for this agreement with over 20 measures to improve the management of vulnerable households and help social services and third sector entities”.
The agreement will enable energy efficiency to be improved in vulnerable households by making improvements to electrical installations aimed at enabling optimal use of the contracted energy supply. It will also support the repair and purchase of heating systems, windows and glazing in order to improve insulation in the buildings and homes of vulnerable families.
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation is also providing the Spanish Red Cross with a freephone number (900444900) for supporting third sector entities so it can ask questions about the paperwork and procedure for obtaining the subsidised rate, vulnerable status certification or equivalent certification for vulnerable groups, services and addresses for referring people who require assistance or who have technical queries related to this agreement.
Furthermore, the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation will provide free training to Spanish Red Cross volunteers and staff in best practices for energy efficiency and saving through its Social Energy School so that they can pass this knowledge on to the people who need it, provide them with instruments and materials to make implementing efficiency practices in the most deprived households a viable option, and foster an understanding and monitoring of energy consumption in homes.
Energy Vulnerability Plan
The GAS NATURAL FENOSA Energy Vulnerability Plan is the first such plan to be developed by a Spanish power company. The programme, which has already been implemented throughout Spain, contains over 20 measures of both operational and social characteristics aimed at strengthening and systemising the management of vulnerable customers and enhancing collaboration with third sector entities and communication with social services. In total, it represents an investment of 4.5 million euros per year.
Gas Natural Fenosa has already signed over 400 agreements with the authorities to protect vulnerable customers, covering over 95% of the population. These agreements and the Energy Vulnerability Plan have avoided power supplies being cut off to 24,000 people.
Within the framework of this plan, the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation is including actions aimed at working more closely and increasing cooperation with third sector entities. The organisation collaborates with various Spanish non-profit entities working on this problem every day. “Third sector organisations play a very important role. Hence, we have set up a freephone service to maintain direct and constant communication with all of them and we have created a helpline”, said Martí Solà, General Manager of the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation.
Furthermore, the operational measures already launched by the company include the creation of a Vulnerability Services Unit specifically aimed at responding to all those cases in which customers may find themselves in a situation of vulnerability. This unit is responsible for answering any call to the new 24/7 freephone number that the company has set up for vulnerable customers (900 724 900). The company has also increased the flexibility of its debt repayment system, offering customers the option to pay their bills in instalments that best suit their situation, with no down payment and no interest.
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation
Set up in 1992 by GAS NATURAL FENOSA and with a presence in every country where the company operates, the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation is tasked with educating, training and informing society, as well as raising awareness about energy and environmental issues. It also develops Social Action programmes both nationally and internationally, by influencing particular initiatives aimed at alleviating energy vulnerability. It promotes initiatives in the cultural sphere that are geared both to preserving and disseminating the historical heritage of the gas and electricity sector through its Gas Museum, and to educating and stimulating society artistically through the multi-disciplinary space of the Contemporary Art Museum.