Gas Natural Fenosa grows in Mexico upon winning two new concessions in the southeast of the country. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) awarded Gas Natural Mexico distribution permits in two states, Campeche and Yucatan, which are among the most developed in the country.
These join regions like Sonora, Sinaloa, Mexico City, Bajío Norte and Bajío Sur where the company is already supplying gas to a market of more than seven and a half million potential customers. With the new concessions, Gas Natural Mexico will be able to provide gas to more than 8 million people with the network development it has planned for upcoming years. The company will therefore invest strongly in the first five years of the permit to expand the natural gas distribution network in the new municipalities.
The first permit is for the geographic area called Campeche, which includes the municipalities of Del Carmen, Escárcega, Campeche and Champotón. The second permit is for the geographic area called the Mérida Metropolitan Area, which includes the Yucatan municipalities of Conkal, Kanasín, Mérida, Progreso, Ucú and Umán.
According to General Director for Mexico, Narcís de Carreras, “With these new concessions, Gas Natural Fenosa wants to stand apart and confirm its leadership in the country’s energy sector. We have 2 million gas customers in 56 Mexican cities and a network spanning over 20,000 kilometres. We are ready and committed to grow and invest”.
De Carreras added that “Natural gas is an economic development factor for the states that have this service, as they grow 50% more than states that don’t yet have it yet”.
Along these same lines, he pointed out that “our company is a vehicle of progress and well-being, bringing a safe, competitive and environmentally friendly service into homes, businesses and industries in new expansion areas located in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Valle de México, Tabasco, and now in the states of Campeche and Yucatan. We are very pleased to have received this concession and we hope to continue adding new permits in the coming years”.
Increased presence in the North American country
This year was Gas Natural Fenosa’s 20th in the country, confirming its leadership in the energy sector by providing service to 1.7 million customers spread among 56 Mexican cities with its supply network spanning over 20,000 kilometres.
The company also has four combined cycle power plants and a wind farm, which account for a total installed capacity of 2,429 MW, supplying energy to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and private consumers.
Gas Natural Fenosa grows in Latin America
The company, which has been in Latin America for 25 years since it began operations in Argentina, has grown its gas networks by more than 1,470 kilometres this year to now have more than 72,000 kilometres on the continent. Additionally, Gas Natural Fenosa supplies electricity to more than 3.7 million customers. In total, the company provides energy, gas and electricity services to nearly 10 million customers in Latin America.