Gas Natural Fenosa has been granted the ‘Reducing’ label by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment for having reduced its CO2 emissions by 3.2%.
The Ministry grants this label depending on the data provided in the carbon footprint registry. The label is reserved for companies which have registered their minimum carbon footprint in four years and which have also achieved a reduction in their average emissions during this period.
The ‘Reducing’ label was launched with a twofold purpose. On the one hand, it helps organisations demonstrate their participation in the registry, and on the other, it allows them to show their efforts made in the fight against climate change.
Gas Natural Fenosa has supported the carbon footprint registry of the Ministry of the Environment since its early days. The company has published its Carbon Footprint Report consistently since 2009, in line with its commitment to information transparency and its Environmental Strategy.
Gas Natural Fenosa is a company concerned about combating climate change. For this reason, since 2014, it has been part of the MSCI Global Climate Index as a leader in mitigating climate change, as well as holding a prominent position on the international index CDP. In addition, the company has become a leader in the gas utilities sector of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and holds leading positions on other indices such as the FTSE4Good, in which it has been included since 2001, and in two variants of Vigeo (Euronext120 and Eurozone 120).