In the first year of operation of its Vulnerability Plan, GAS NATURAL FENOSA guaranteed a supply to more than 30,000 families throughout Spain by means of measures such as payment in instalments, collaboration with social services for identifying vulnerable customers, and subsidised rate management. Thanks to the dedicated telephone number (900 724 900) set up by the company for assisting its customers in vulnerable situations, GAS NATURAL FENOSA attended 85,000 calls relating to possible cases of energy poverty.
“The company has stepped up its support for those in a position of vulnerability, along with its relationship with social services in order to avoid situations of risk for its customers”, explained Customer Services Manager, Josep Codorniu.
In 2017, the company managed more than 125,000 cases involving vulnerability situations, through the various channels it has open for assisting customers and which are geared towards the users themselves, third sector organisations and municipal social services.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA currently has agreements in place with authorities across Spain, enabling it to protect 94% of its customers nationwide.
The Foundation, a vital channel
As part of the package of 20 measures contained in the Plan, there are a number of actions being promoted by the GAS NATURAL FENOSA Foundation that have made it possible to extend the company’s initiatives throughout Spain.
“At the Foundation we wish to continue providing assistance to society, both directly and through the training of volunteers and professionals”, explained the General Manager of the Foundation, Martí Solà.
In line with these two new units, GAS NATURAL FENOSA has launched a free phone line to serve customers in vulnerable situations (900 724 900).
One of the initiatives with greatest impact in the past year has been the Energy School. This tool resulted in 130 training days in 2017, which made it possible to educate 1,360 people across Spain. A total of around 350 training hours were provided to users and social workers, focusing on understanding electricity and gas bills, as well as offering advice on energy efficiency for promoting energy savings in the home.
The Foundation has also set up agreements with third sector organisations such as the Red Cross and Cáritas, in order to foster collaboration with these and work with them in supporting and monitoring vulnerable families.
On the other hand, GAS NATURAL FENOSA recently developed an Energy Volunteer programme aimed at its employees, enabling them to dedicate a percentage of their working hours to energy advisory services for the company’s customers.
Energy Vulnerability Plan
The Gas Natural Fenosa Energy Vulnerability Plan was the first such plan to be developed by a Spanish energy company aimed at systematising the management of vulnerable customers and enhancing collaboration with third sector entities and communication with social services.
It has an annual investment of 4.5 million euros and more than 20 measures for dealing with cases of customers who may be in a vulnerable situation, and for adapting administrative management to their needs.
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation
The mission of the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, set up by the energy company in 1992, is to educate, train, inform and raise awareness throughout society of energy and environmental issues. It also develops Social Action programmes both nationally and internationally, by influencing particular initiatives aimed at alleviating energy vulnerability. It promotes initiatives in the cultural sphere, geared both at preserving and disseminating the historical heritage of the gas and electricity sector.