Earlier today, the Director-General for Industry, Energy and Mines of the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha, José Luis Cabezas Delgado; mayor of Almodóvar del Campo, José Lozano García; mayor of Puertollano, Mayte Fernández Molina; director of Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables Promotion, Carlos González Samano and the delegate for Castile-La Mancha for Gas Natural Renovables, David Muñoz Sánchez, presented the La Nava solar photovoltaic plant project, the first which the company will be building in the province of Ciudad Real and its second in the autonomous region of Castile-La Mancha.
The La Nava plant, located in the municipal areas of Almodóvar del Campo and Puertollano, comprises 155,520 photovoltaic modules and a power of 49 megawatts (MW), and will produce around 100 GWh each year, equating to the yearly consumption of 40,000 households, which exceeds the yearly consumption of the population of these two towns.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA will invest approximately 34 million euros in this project. The photovoltaic power plant will create some 90 jobs during the construction, operation and maintenance stages. The building work is expected to conclude at the end of this year.
This infrastructure will enable a reduction in the use of other conventional sources to generate electricity, reducing CO2 emissions by over 89,495 tonnes per year as well as other environmentally harmful emissions.
By developing this project, the company confirms its commitment to Castile-La Mancha which will become stronger in the future.
During the event, mayor of Almodóvar del Campo, José Lozano García highlighted the importance of this solar photovoltaic plant, mostly located in the municipal area of the village of Almodóvar del Campo. He also stressed the commitment to renewable energy, and the investment made by the municipality and the region.
The mayor of Puertollano, Mayte Fernández Molina, discussed how renewable energy is a part of the new energy model adopted by this industrial town. It is a sector which creates employment and is of specific significance in the new re-industrialisation plan the local council is currently working on and where research will play a leading role.
In turn, the Director-General for Industry, Energy and Mines of the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha, José Luis Cabezas Delgado, emphasised that Castile-La Mancha is the leading region in the country in terms of installed photovoltaic technology and that 73% of the total installed capacity in the region comes from renewable resources, while at national level this represents 51%. He underlined that the region of Castile-La Mancha aims to consolidate itself as a leader by supporting new projects of this type which generate wealth, as well as being compatible with the environment.
In addition to the solar photovoltaic plant in La Nava, Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables operates Toledo PV, different facilities with the same technology, in La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo). It began operating in 1994 reaching 1MW of power, making it the oldest in Europe.
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables currently has a consolidated total installed capacity in operation of 1,147 MW in Spain (979 MW from wind, 110 MW from mini-hydroelectric plants and 58 MW from cogeneration and photovoltaics).
The company plans to build various renewable energy projects in various autonomous regions over the coming months that will double its size by the end of 2019.
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables has nine wind farms in Castile-La Mancha, which produced 493 GWh in 2017, enough to cover the electricity needs of approximately 200,000 homes whilst preventing the emission of 169,933 tonnes of CO2