The President of the Castile-La Mancha Regional GovernmentEmiliano García-Page; the Regional Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment, Patricia Franco; the President of the Toledo Provincial Council, Álvaro Gutiérrez; the Mayor of El Carpio de Tajo, Germán Jiménez; the General Manager of Wholesale Business at GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Manuel Fernández; and the General Manager of Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables, Ana Peris, today laid the first stone at the Carpio de Tajo solar photovoltaic plant, which will be the largest facility of its kind in the province of Toledo.
The Carpio de Tajo photovoltaic plant, in the small town of El Carpio de Tajo, will have 158,400 modules and 50 megawatts (MW) of power. It will produce about 90 GWh a year, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of 36,000 homes and more than the electricity consumed by the inhabitants of Carpio de Tajo and Talavera de la Reina.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA’s investment in this project will amount to €30 million and lead to the creation of 90 jobs between the construction, operational and maintenance stages. The building work is expected to finish at the end of this year. This facility will enable a reduction in the use of other conventional power generation sources, helping to cut CO2 emissions by around 81,000 tonnes, as well as reducing other polluting emissions.
By developing this project, the construction of which forms part of the 250 MW awarded during the new renewable power auction held by the Spanish Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda (MINETAD) in July 2017, the company is reaffirming its commitment to Castile-La Mancha, which will be further strengthened in the future.
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables in Castile-La Mancha
In April, GAS NATURAL FENOSA’s renewables subsidiary started the process of building the La Nava solar photovoltaic plant, a facility located in Almodóvar del Campo and Puertollano (Ciudad Real) with an installed power of 49 MW and an investment of over €34 million.
Besides Carpio de Tajo and La Nava, Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables has formalised the nomination of fiver other photovoltaic plants in Castile-La Mancha, in the provinces of Guadalajara and Ciudad Real, called Canredondo, Picón I, Picón II, Picón III and Zorita. The seven projects will add up to 217.7 MW of power and involve a total investment of some €176 million. Castile-La Mancha is the autonomous region where the company has registered the most projects and photovoltaic power.
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables also operates another facility with the same technology, Toledo PV, in La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo). It is the oldest in Europe and entered operation in 1994 with a peak power of 1 MW.
In addition, the company has nine wind farms in Castile-La Mancha, which generated 493 GWh in 2017, covering the electricity needs of some 200,000 homes and avoiding the emission of 170,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables, a company forming part of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, closed 2017 with a consolidated total installed power in operation of 1,147 MW (979 MW in wind power, 110 MW in mini-hydropower plants and 58 MW in cogeneration and photovoltaic plants).