Naturgy has been recognised for the eighth consecutive year as a world leader for the action it takes to fight climate change, according to the prestigious index drawn up by CDP, the non-profit organisation that every year analyses the action taken against climate change by major companies at international level.
Of the 6,937 companies that have reported information, the energy company is among the 126 companies worldwide that have obtained the highest possible rating in the climate change category (A), also being the only Spanish energy company and one of the five utilities to achieve it globally.
The company has been recognised for its performance in reducing emissions, managing risks associated with climate change and promoting a low-carbon economy.
For Naturgy’s Director of Innovation, Prevention, Environment and Sustainability, Mónica Puente, “this recognition endorses the initiatives that Naturgy is carrying out to become a key player in energy transition and the fight against climate change. In the current context, companies play a leading role in the shift to a decarbonised model. For this reason, our 2018-2022 strategic plan includes an important commitment to renewable energies, in which we are going to invest nearly 1 billion euros until 2020, as well as growth plans for renewable gas and energy efficiency services for our customers.”
During 2017, the energy company helped prevent the emission of 129 Mt of CO2, thanks to the substitution of other fossil fuels with natural gas, to the activity of renewable energy power plants and to energy saving and efficiency.
The Climate Change A List index
Every year, CPD publishes The Climate Change A List, along with its forest protection and water management counterparts. Thousands of companies provide their data to CDP, which, according to its methodology, carries out an external and independent evaluation.
Companies are allocated a rating from A to D depending on the effectiveness with which they address climate change, deforestation and water management, while those that do not provide sufficient information are scored with an F.
Naturgy, included in the main sustainability and environmental indices
Naturgy, a leading multinational group in the energy sector, which leads the way in gas and electricity integration in Spain and Latin America, is included in the main global sustainability and environmental indices. The power company has been recognised by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) as a global leader in the gas utilities sector, as well as the FTSE4GOOD index as the most sustainable company in the utilities super-sector, as one of the 120 most sustainable companies in the world in the Euronext Vigeo indices, in the highest Gold Class category of the RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook, and has also achieved the triple AAA rating from MSCI.
Furthermore, in order to identify, quantify and report the risks and opportunities related to climate change, the company has adopted the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures of the Financial Stability Board. These recommendations allow the company to make progress with the integration of climate change based on the real needs of investors and to improve the estimation of risks related to climate change.