The energy company has been awarded a triple ‘A’, the highest possible rating, for its strong safety and risk mitigation practices. This recognition, which it has received consecutively since 2017, makes it the Spanish company awarded with this distinction continuously for the longest time.
The index recognises Naturgy’s strong safety and risk mitigation practices relative to its competitors. The company’s work to implement measures and initiatives that optimise their sustainable business model are exemplified by a lower carbon footprint, leadership in governance practices and occupational health and safety policies.
The MSCI ESG Ratings agency measures the resilience of companies to risks related to long-term sustainability.
Nuria Rodríguez, Director of Environment and Social Responsibility, has highlighted the importance of this type of international recognition that endorses the commitment undertaken by the company. “This rating is a reflection of the work undertaken by Naturgy to align our business objectives with those of the necessary energy transition and how this will not succeed unless it is based on real sustainability and on specific projects and initiatives daily and universally applied by the company”.
Commitment to sustainability and energy transition
In 2021, Naturgy presented its new 2025 Strategic Plan, which promotes its role in the energy transition and decarbonisation with the ambitious objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and an installed capacity of renewable resources close to 60% by 2025.
In line with its commitment to energy transition and decarbonisation, the company registered a 24% decrease in total direct and indirect emissions in 2022 compared to 2017, decoupling the increase in financial results from the changes in the company’s carbon footprint. With regard to environmental issues, Naturgy carried out nearly 350 biodiversity initiatives that support nature conservation in all the countries where it operates.
In terms of governance, the group continues to make progress establishing gender parity and improving the representation of women. Similarly, the company remains firmly committed to the professional development of its employees, promoting the rejuvenation of the workforce and providing the necessary tools for their progress. As part of this commitment, the company launched the Flex&Lead programme, aimed at outsourcing young talent with diverse profiles, with the aim of recruiting 300 young people by 2025. To date, 150 people have already been incorporated, of which 78% are women.
The company’s performance in social, environmental and good governance issues has been recognised by the most renowned rankings and standards in the world, including FTSE4GOOD and Ecovadis, and been awarded best energy company in the world at the Global Energy Awards 2021, by S&P Global Platts.