Naturgy joins the Euronext Vigeo World 120 index, which recognises the 120 most sustainable companies in the world, and remains in its Euronext Vigeo Europe 120and Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 categories, which include the most advanced companies in sustainability terms in Europe and the Eurozone, for the fifth consecutive year.
Naturgy has improved its rating in the latest edition of the Euronext Vigeo indices thanks to improvements in the assessment of such criteria as commitment to the community, protection of biodiversity, human rights and corporate governance. This demonstrates the entire company’s commitment to sustainability and strengthens collaboration between the various departments as they work towards a common goal: to be a financially, socially and environmentally sound company based on good governance capable of meeting stakeholder expectations.
The Euronext Vigeo indices were created in 2012 by NYSE Euronext (NYX), one of the largest securities exchange groups in the world, and Vigeo, a ratings agency that specialises in socially responsible investment. They analyse the three pillars of responsible investment: social, environmental and good governance issues.
The scores are based on 38 criteria which include respect for the environment, human rights, recognition of human capital in companies, relations with stakeholder groups (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, etc.), good governance, ethics and business integrity aimed at fighting corruption. Vigeo rates each company against over 300 indicators.
Naturgy, included in the main sustainability indices
Naturgy, a leading multinational group in the energy sector, which leads the way in gas and electricity integration in Spain and Latin America, is included in the main global sustainability indices. The power company has been recognised by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) as a global leader in the gas utilities sector, as well as the FTSE4GOOD index as the most sustainable company in the utilities super-sector, which encompasses gas, water and multi-utility companies, and in the highest Gold Class category of the RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook.