Naturgy renews the EFR global certification that recognises its measures to facilitate the work-life balance of its employees

• The energy company has had this accreditation from the Másfamilia Foundation, which is audited by AENOR, for 11 years.

• This accreditation is in recognition of the 375 work-life balance and well-being initiatives aimed at achieving a work-life balance for the company’s professionals.

Naturgy has renewed its global EFR (Empress Familiarmente Responsable/Family-Responsible Company) certification awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation, which it initially received in 2013, when it was the first company worldwide to obtain this accreditation. It is currently the only IBEX 35 company with this certificate, which accredits the validity and impact of measures, indicators, practices and actions in terms of work-life balance and people development in five areas: quality of employment, time and space flexibility, support for employees’ families, support for the personal and professional environment, and equal opportunities.

Naturgy has 375 work-life balance and well-being measures in different countries, 19 global measures, 26 indicators and 48 impact actions. This accreditation, audited by AENOR (according to Standard 1000/23), involved more than 80 personal interviews and a review of the application of measures in 7 geographical areas where the company is present: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Spain.

The EFR global certification recognises the achievements made in balancing the personal and professional lives of company staff, thus enabling their human and social development.

At the accreditation ceremony, Enrique Tapia, General Manager of People and Resources at Naturgy, stressed that “our management of work-life balance model is carried out through benefits, flexibility, well-being, health and professional development measures that are adapted to the diversity of our people, according to their situation and time of life, in order to promote a balance between professional and personal life”. He also highlighted the connection of the Global People and Wellbeing Strategy with the objectives of the EFR model “which allows us to successfully face the challenges of transforming the company by leveraging the leading role of our people”.

Work-life balance at Naturgy

The EFR model consolidates Naturgy’s vision of work-life balance, co-responsibility, well-being and diversity as the cornerstones of our value proposal and people strategy, 360º Commitment.

Work-life balance at Naturgy is a commitment to co-responsibility and equal opportunities. It is promoting a pluralistic, inclusive and balanced culture. It is constantly listening out for proposals to improve and recognise the teams, as levers of well-being and also of motivation. It is acting globally, in tune locally, as an EFR company, generating a transformative professional experience and contributing to a more egalitarian and sustainable society.

Interest in people

Naturgy believes it is essential to promote a safe, quality work climate that fosters development in diverse, digital environments focused on continuous learning.

The company has recently been awarded the Top Employer seal, recognition it has achieved for the tenth consecutive year, establishing it as one of the best companies to work for in Spain. Furthermore, it has become the first Ibex 35 company to obtain the Great Place to Work certification awarded by the international consultancy Great Place to Work®.

These recognitions are in addition to other certifications received, such as the Top Well-being Company 2023 seal, awarded to the TOP30 Companies in Spain with best practices in Occupational Health and Corporate Well-being, and the Diversity Leading Company certification, in recognition of its management and practices in diversity and inclusion.
