The President of ASEIF (the Valencia Association of Plumbing, Heating, Gas and Other Fluid Installers), Francisco Alonso, and the General Manager of Nedgia Cegas, Celestina López, have renewed the agreement under which the power company will maintain its position as a partner of this business association. The two entities have been working together for 10 years on promoting the use of natural gas as an environmentally-friendly source of energy that brings efficiency and competitiveness to industrial sectors in the Region of Valencia.
The signed partnership agreement includes the organisation of work sessions to inform and train members of the installation company business association on safety and best practices in terms of gas installations. In this regard, the two organisations are committed to the ongoing training of installers and technicians, and agree on the importance that only authorised personnel handle gas installations, whether domestic or industrial.
Alongside this safety-related work, Nedgia Cegas will offer training related to the use of gas in new sectors such as vehicular natural gas (VNG) and its contribution to improving air quality. The transport sector is one of the most important areas where natural gas is starting to be used. When compared with other fossil fuels, it reduces NO2 emissions by 100% (decisive for air quality), drastically reduces other pollutants and halves noise pollution. The sustainable mobility brought by natural gas also offers a 50% saving when compared with petrol and 30% when compared with diesel.
In addition, Nedgia Cegas will present its public proposal for 2018 at these sessions, with which the company hopes to revitalise the installers’ collective and increase the number of new connections in their distribution network, thereby reinforcing the presence of natural gas in the Region of Valencia.
ASEIF, with more than 40 years experience, brings together more than 800 companies and professionals in the installation sector and is backed by the Valencia Metallurgical Business Federation (FEMEVAL).
Presence in the Region of Valencia
Nedgia Cegas – the new brand name for Gas Natural Cegas (the natural gas distribution company of GAS NATURAL FENOSA in the Region of Valencia) – supplies natural gas to around 200 towns in the Region of Valencia. This means that 87% of the town has access to this energy source. It has over 668,000 supply points and a distribution network of 8,700 kilometres.