Earlier today, the Director of Nedgia Navarra, María Miró, and the Chairman of Anafonca (the Navarre Association of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Gas Companies and Related Businesses), José María Tabar, signed an agreement to foster the installation of natural gas in more homes, residential blocks and commercial establishments in Navarre through installation technicians who are members of Anafonca.
Under this agreement, the natural gas distribution company of the Naturgy group in Navarre seeks to increase the number of new supply points in homes connected to its distribution network, thereby strengthening the presence of natural gas in Navarre and fostering activity by installation companies, which will be able to benefit from significant advantages when collaborating with the company.
Nedgia Navarra is finalising the terms of the nationwide public tender for installation companies and professionals with Anafonca and is offering its members a number of additional advantages: new mobility tools in business, assistance in the processing of contracts digitally, and commercial and technical training via basic courses for members. The agreement will become active as of October.
Presence in Navarre
NEDGIA Navarra has been operating in the Navarre for 30 years. The company currently has over 145,000 supply points serving over 290,000 residents of this region in 106 municipalities and a distribution network that spans more than 2,200 kilometres.
Furthermore, the company supplies to almost 41,200 homes via centralised natural gas boiler installations. This means that over 93% of Navarre’s population has access to this energy source.
About Anafonca
The Navarre Association of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Gas Companies and Related Businesses was set up in 1977 under the auspices of the Navarre Industry Association with a view to representing, managing, fostering and defending the interests of its member companies and professionals. It currently has 400 member companies and professionals in the sector.