This morning, the components of the first wind turbines for the Merengue Wind Farm started to arrive at the site where the wind farm will be constructed. It will be made up of Siemens Gamesa G126 model wind turbines. These have a 2.625 MW unit capacity, with a hub height of 84 metres and a rotor diameter of 126 metres.
Over the next few weeks the remaining components will arrive until the 15 wind turbines have been constructed. These will make up the first wind farm in Extremadura.
Merengue Wind Farm
The Merengue Wind Farm, the first to be constructed in Extremadura, is driven by Naturgy, will have a 40 megawatt (MW) capacity and a 40 million euro investment. The park will produce around 155 GWh per year, which equates to the annual energy consumption of 44,000 homes. 250 jobs will be created during its construction.
The multinational renewables subsidiary currently has a consolidated total installed capacity in operation of 1,147 MW in Spain (979 MW from wind, 110 MW from mini-hydroelectric plants and 58 MW from cogeneration and photovoltaics).
The company plans to build various renewable energy projects in various autonomous regions over the coming months that will double its size by the end of 2019.