The UFD representative in Pontevedra, Francisco Ramos, held a meeting with the regional head of the Industry Council in Pontevedra, Ignacio Rial, and the mayors of O Rosal and Oia to discuss the issue of the micro-outages affecting O Rosal, Oia and Tomiño in recent weeks.
UFD told the Regional Government of Galicia and the mayors of the affected towns that it will carry out a comprehensive analysis of the power lines and transformer substations in the area to determine the causes leading to these short-duration electricity supply incidents and offer a solution as soon as possible. UFD’s inspection teams are examining the almost 60 kilometres of overhead power lines that supply these towns in order to discover the causes behind the micro-outages, locate and correct the possible faults, and resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Supply incidents such as micro-outages are unforeseen and involuntary situations that are difficult to locate due to their intermittent nature. There are times when, despite the maintenance work, investments and improvements made to the network, such incidents are unavoidable for a wide range of reasons (birds, eucalyptus bark, insulation faults, third-party installations, etc.).
Presence in Galicia
UFD is the largest electricity distributor in Galicia. It provides service to more than 1.5 million supply points in 286 municipalities in the four provinces of Galicia through a network of nearly 58,500 kilometres of high-, medium- and low-voltage lines. The electricity distributor invested almost 390 million euros in Galicia in the four-year period 2015-2018 to reinforce the network and improve supply quality.