40% emissions free installed capacity
5,462 MW installed capacity in renewables
-24% total carbon footprint reduction
We are committed to the sustainable development of society by guaranteeing a supply of eco-friendly, safe and competitive energy.
This has always been true but, at a time that is especially significant for the energy sector in particular, and all of society in general, we are further reinforcing our commitment to the fight against climate change and environmental protection. Energy transition is a unique opportunity to transform the company and offer a firm, sustained contribution to decarbonisation of the economy.

96.7% open-ended contracts
82.7% supplier ESG audits
28.356€ billion of economic value generated for suppliers
We operate under a commitment to guarantee decent jobs in all the areas where we are present. To do so, we apply a Human Rights Policy that, among other principles, is aimed at eradicating child labour, facilitating freedom of association and offering decent employment. We conduct ESG assessments and audits with our suppliers, foster local procurement and take part in the First Export Programme.
In addition, our Equality and Diversity Plan includes our commitment to equality and involves people management initiatives related to three specific areas of action: gender, disability and age. Furthermore, workplace safety and risk prevention are key aspects in the daily management of the company, which are enshrined in the Health and Safety Plan.
Diversity and equality
We believe it is essential to foster diversity and equal opportunities and to create an environment based on respect, and constant listening and dialogue, paying special attention to achieving objectives in issues related to gender and the inclusion of people with disabilities, extending this commitment to suppliers and partner companies.
We promote an inclusive culture of awareness and actions that integrate and bring together diversity. This perspective of interest in people guides the company’s way of working and achieving its objectives, and it shares this vision with the entire value chain in the different businesses in which it operates.
This all-encompassing commitment is upheld in the Sustainability and People Strategy, the Corporate Responsibility Policy, the Code of Ethics, the Gender Equality Policy and the Workplace Harassment Prevention Protocol.
Commitment to equality
Our Equality Plan identifies the strengths that should be maintained and highlights the weaknesses that need to be corrected, as identified by an external expert. These points determine the path that should be followed, indicating actions in the areas of communication and awareness, culture and leadership, development and promotion, payment, flexibility and work/life balance, recruitment, harassment prevention, measurement and monitoring.
Our commitment to equality was awarded the “Business Equality Label” (DIE) by the Ministry of the Presidency, Relationships with Parliament and Equality in November 2018, which is still valid, for our implementation of equal opportunities policies through comprehensive, measurable equality plans with specific results. This certification is granted after an exhaustive process to verify activities related to equality with the aim of establishing the level of excellence and mainstreaming in management.
Diversity management
Diversity management is part of our commitment to a sustainable business project and it is being validated through initiatives implemented within three action lines: gender, disability and age.
- Gender: progress is being made in boosting the active role of women in different spaces in the company, consolidating the prioritisation of female management talent within the new organisational model, with the aim of moving forward in our commitment to finding a gender balance in the company.
- Disability: various actions are being with the aim of standardising the management of functional diversity namely, the Family Plan, the Capacitas Plan and the Aflora Plan.
- Age: working towards generational diversity through young talent acceleration actions, monitoring mobility and promotion.
The creation and activation of a specific protocol to combat harassment, the protocol on best practice in recruitment processes and the communication guidelines for business professionals needing to get involved in a recruitment process for any reason are just some of the measures put in place that have led to major advances in terms of diversity and equality.
Specifically, the Harassment Prevention Protocol establishes preventative actions to avoid situations of harassment that include informing all employees of the existence of the protocol, training the entire workforce in this area, particularly employees with staff under their responsibility, the obligation and responsibility of every employee to establish relationships from a position of respect and dignity, and every employee’s obligation to inform his or her line manager of any case of harassment.
In another area of activity, the recruitment processes good practices protocol aims to avoid discrimination in recruitment processes, thereby expanding employability options.

€59 million invested annually
We are committed to industry and its infrastructures in the form of various projects driven by innovation.
This is one of our key levers for growth as it enables us to incorporate new and better practices, new business models and technologies to become a more efficient and competitive company. Always at the forefront and putting the customer at the centre of all efforts.
How we perceive innovation means we can transform risks into opportunities, as a contribution to creating a streamlined company capable of existing in a framework of constant transformation with solvency.

Energy rehabilitation solidarity fund
1,111 renovations
Energy School
3,942 attendees
2,943 families assisted
Energy Vulnerability Plan programmes
In addition to the actions carried out internally, such as the implementation of the Code of Ethics or the Equality and Diversity Plan, the company undertakes negotiations with trade unions on the international stage regarding salaries, pension plans, the launch of equality plans and working conditions. In this sense, various actions are promoted with the aim of standardising the management of functional diversity: the Family Plan, the Capacitas Plan and the Aflora Plan.
We are also developing the Energy Vulnerability Plan throughout Spain. The Plan has been consolidated as a priority and core for the activities of the Naturgy Foundation to alleviate energy vulnerability and poverty in Spain.
Diversity and equality
We believe it is essential to foster diversity and equal opportunities and to create an environment based on respect, and constant listening and dialogue, paying special attention to achieving objectives in issues related to gender and the inclusion of people with disabilities, extending this commitment to suppliers and partner companies.
We promote an inclusive culture of awareness and actions that integrate and bring together diversity. This perspective of interest in people guides the company’s way of working and achieving its objectives, and it shares this vision with the entire value chain in the different businesses in which it operates.
This all-encompassing commitment is upheld in the Sustainability and People Strategy, the Corporate Responsibility Policy, the Code of Ethics, the Gender Equality Policy and the Workplace Harassment Prevention Protocol.
Commitment to equality
Our Equality Plan identifies the strengths that should be maintained and highlights the weaknesses that need to be corrected, as identified by an external expert. These points determine the path that should be followed, indicating actions in the areas of communication and awareness, culture and leadership, development and promotion, payment, flexibility and work/life balance, recruitment, harassment prevention, measurement and monitoring.
Our commitment to equality was awarded the “Business Equality Label” (DIE) by the Ministry of the Presidency, Relationships with Parliament and Equality in November 2018, which is still valid, for our implementation of equal opportunities policies through comprehensive, measurable equality plans with specific results. This certification is granted after an exhaustive process to verify activities related to equality with the aim of establishing the level of excellence and mainstreaming in management.
Diversity management
Diversity management is part of our commitment to a sustainable business project and it is being validated through initiatives implemented within three action lines: gender, disability and age.
- Gender: progress is being made in boosting the active role of women in different spaces in the company, consolidating the prioritisation of female management talent within the new organisational model, with the aim of moving forward in our commitment to finding a gender balance in the company.
- Disability: various actions are being with the aim of standardising the management of functional diversity namely, the Family Plan, the Capacitas Plan and the Aflora Plan.
- Age: working towards generational diversity through young talent acceleration actions, monitoring mobility and promotion.
The creation and activation of a specific protocol to combat harassment, the protocol on best practice in recruitment processes and the communication guidelines for business professionals needing to get involved in a recruitment process for any reason are just some of the measures put in place that have led to major advances in terms of diversity and equality.
Specifically, the Harassment Prevention Protocol establishes preventative actions to avoid situations of harassment that include informing all employees of the existence of the protocol, training the entire workforce in this area, particularly employees with staff under their responsibility, the obligation and responsibility of every employee to establish relationships from a position of respect and dignity, and every employee’s obligation to inform his or her line manager of any case of harassment.
In another area of activity, the recruitment processes good practices protocol aims to avoid discrimination in recruitment processes, thereby expanding employability options.

12% increase in environmental action investment and spending
16.5% total carbon footprint reduction since 2021
We carry out our activity by committing to improving energy efficiency and air quality in cities, minimising our environmental impact regarding use of water, land and waste generation, and strict control of our environmental risks.

80.4% procurement from local suppliers
6,065 supplier assessments
We remain committed to responsible production and commitment beyond legal requirements as we implement actions to reduce the consumption of resources, water and energy. We also undertake educational activities with our stakeholders: environmental training for employees and awareness actions with suppliers and customers in this regard.
Likewise, we carry out business with a commitment to sustainability in our supply chain. Besides fostering procurement from local suppliers, we promote compliance with the company’s code of ethics and policies throughout the supply chain and incorporate sustainability criteria into the assessment and management of suppliers, beyond mere regulatory compliance.