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Committees of the Board of Directors
The organisational and operational rules of the different Board of Directors’ committees can be found in Chapter V of the Organisational and Operational Regulations of the Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. Board of Directors and in the company’s Articles of Association.
Audit and Control Committee
Mr. Claudi Santiago Ponsa
Board members
Mr. Pedro Sainz de Baranda Riva
Mrs. Helena Herrero Starkie
Mr. Ramón Adell Ramón
Theatre Directorship Services Beta, S.à.r.l. (Mr. José Antonio Torre de Silva López de Letona)
Appointments, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee
Mr. Pedro Sáinz de Baranda Riva
Board members
Mr. Claudio Santiago Ponsa
Mr. Enrique Alcántara García-Irazoqui
Mr. Rajaram Rao
Rioja S.à.r.l. (Mr. Javier de Jaime Guijarro)
Sustainability Commission
Mrs. Helena Herrero Starkie
Board members
Mrs. Isabel Estape Tous
Mrs. Lucy Chadwick
Mr. Jaime Siles Fernández Palacios