Establecimientos Comerciales
En los siguientes establecimientos comerciales en la provincia de Panamá podrás realizar tus pagos:
The Board of Directors has resolved to call the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting
Naturgy has communicated to Moody’s Investors Service its decision not to renew its credit rating contract.
Criteria Caixa, G3T and BCN Godia shareholder’s agreement resolution
Naturgy and Sonatrach have entered into an agreement with Mubadala for the acquisition of its stake in Medgaz.
Change in the Board of Directors and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Comment to the CNMC Circulars that will establish the remuneration for electricity and gas distribution activity
La opa parcial de IFM ha sido aceptada por el 10,83% del capital y la sociedad oferente ha renunciado a la condición de aceptación mÃnima.
Call for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2019
Naturgy announces that the Board of Directors has agreed to call the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting
Update in the investment protection arbitral procedure initiated by Unión Fenosa Gas against Egypt
2018 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Presentation
Pre-sale agreement of the 70% in Kangra Coal and agreement for the sale of 100% of Iberafrica Power
Agreement to renew and extend gas procurements contracts with SONATRACH
Sale of the 41.9% of the Colombian company GAS NATURAL S.A. ESP
Gas Natural Fenosa informs that its Strategic Plan 2018-2022 presentation will be held on 28 June 2018 in London.
Notice of the 2018 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting
Gas Natural Fenosa announces that the Board of Directors has resolved to call a General Shareholders’ Meeting
Shareholders’ agreement between Alba Europe S.À R.L. and Rioja Investment S.À R.L.
Participation of Corporación Financiera Alba in Gas Natural SDG
Acquisition agreement for two solar photovoltaic power projects in Brazil
Indirect participation agreement of Alba Grupo March in Gas Natural Sdg
Repsol, S.A has reached an agreement to sell its 20% of Gas Natural SDG, S.A. share capital
Indicative results of the invitation to holders of the issued by Gas Natural Capital Markets, S.A. and Gas Natural Fenosa Finance B.V
Final results of the invitation to holders of the issued by Gas Natural Capital Markets, S.A. and Gas Natural Fenosa Finance B.V
Sale of a share in the Colombian company GAS Natural S.A. ESP
Assignment of the right to charge the gas system tariff deficit at 31 December 2014
Sale of its share in the Colombian company Gas Natural S.A. ESP
Gas Natural Fenosa announces that the process of the sale of assets in Italy is now at the stage of selecting a potential buyer.
Gas Natural Fenosa is sending an invitation to the talk on the agreement announced, whereby GNF will sell a minority share of 20 percent in the company that owns natural gas distribution assets in Spain (GNDB)
Gas Natural Fenosa has signed an agreement to sell non-controlling interests of 20% in the company that owns natural gas distribution assets in Spain
Gas Natural Fenosa is sending the presentation regarding the agreement to sell non-controlling interests of 20 percent in the company that owns natural gas distribution assets in Spain (GNDB)
Gas Natural Fenosa informs regarding the news that appeared today, concerning the sale of a 20% share in the company that owns natural gas distribution assets in Spain
Gas Natural Fenosa announces the interim dividend out of the results for the 2017 period