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Capital increase with exemption of pre-emptive subscription right (August 2011)
Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. has agreed upon a capital increase with exemption of the pre-emptive subscription right for the Algerian company SONATRACH, which entails the issue of 38,183,600 new shares.
As a continuation of the agreements signed with La Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures, S.p.A. (SONATRACH), once the corresponding authorisation has been obtained from the Algerian authorities, and having made the relevant payments, the capital increaseof 38,183,600 new shares of Naturgy Energy Group, S.A., owned by SONATRACH and which has involved a payment of €515 million at a price of €13.4806 per share, has been registered in the Barcelona Commercial Register, on 9 August 2011.