Naturgy consolidates record results and improves expectations for 2024

Naturgy has managed to consolidate in the first half of 2024 the record results obtained last year, now in a more competitive scenario marked by a sharp global decline in energy prices. The Group recorded an EBITDA of 2,846 million euros and a net income of 1,043 million euros, both at the same level as last year. These results demonstrate the company's strength in adapting to the environment and generating value for its shareholders and are the result of a model based on operational efficiency, proactive risk management and financial discipline in capital management.
The Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline began operating in November 1996, so in 2016 this major infrastructure is now celebrating its 20th anniversary as one of the main gateways for gas coming into Spain.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA closed the sale of its 20% share in the Quintero LNG Plant, Chile, to Enagás Chile, after having received the necessary authorisations. The company Aprovisionadora Global de Energía, S.A. (AGESA), a company split from Metrogas, S.A. (in which GAS NATURAL FENOSA maintains a controlling share of 60.2% through its subsidiaries CGE Gas Natural S.A. And Gas Natural Chile S.A.), closed the deal for 200 million dollars.
The Board of Directors of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, meeting in special session today, agreed on the appointment of Isidre Fainé as the new Chairman of the Board and of the Executive Committee of the energy company.
The company Aprovisionadora Global de Energía, S.A. (AGESA), a company split from Metrogas, S.A. (in which GAS NATURAL FENOSA maintains a controlling stake of 60.2%), signed an agreement yesterday with Enagás Chile S.p.A. for the sale of the 20% it owns in GNL Quintero S.A. for the amount of 200 million dollars (177 million euros).
The Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting, which was held in Barcelona today, approved a total dividend drawn against the 2015 results of 1 billion euros (one euro per share), an increase of 10.1% on the dividend corresponding to the financial year 2014.
GAS NATURAL FENOSA ends 2015 satisfying the objectives set out in the 2013-2015 Strategic Plan. In 2015, the multinational recorded net profit of 1.502 billion euros, an increase of 2.7%, with consolidated EBITDA increasing to 5.376 billion euros, above the 5 billion set out in the Strategic Plan.
The Chairman of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Salvador Gabarró, and the Managing Director of the multinational and also Chairman of CGE, Rafael Villaseca, presented the gas infrastructure plan to the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. Through the distribution companies Metrogas and GasSur, the Spanish power company will invest 700 million dollars (635 million euros) over the next five years to bring a natural gas supply to seven new regions in the country, as well as expand its use in those areas where it already operates.
The President of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís, and the CEO of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Salvador Gabarró, inaugurated the Torito Hydroelectric Power Plant, which has an installed capacity of 50 megawatts (MW) and will be operated by the Spanish multinational energy company for a period of 20 years through its subsidiary Global Power Generation (GPG).
Today, GAS NATURAL FENOSA reached an agreement to purchase 100% of the renewable energy firm Gecalsa, valued at 260 million euros. Gecalsa operates 10 wind farms and a photovoltaic plant in Spain which have a collective net installed capacity of 201.3 MW (237.5 gross MW). The purchase is subject to the acquisition of the necessary authorisations and is expected to be finalised in the fourth quarter of 2015.
Earlier today, GAS NATURAL FENOSA and the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) signed an agreement to undertake a share capital increase of 550 million dollars in Global Power Generation (GPG), which will be wholly underwritten by KIA. Following this capital increase, the KIA will assume control of 25% of the energy group’s international power generation subsidiary.

