Naturgy consolidates record results and improves expectations for 2024

Naturgy has managed to consolidate in the first half of 2024 the record results obtained last year, now in a more competitive scenario marked by a sharp global decline in energy prices. The Group recorded an EBITDA of 2,846 million euros and a net income of 1,043 million euros, both at the same level as last year. These results demonstrate the company's strength in adapting to the environment and generating value for its shareholders and are the result of a model based on operational efficiency, proactive risk management and financial discipline in capital management.
Today, President of the Galician Government Alberto Núñez Feijóo and GAS NATURAL FENOSA Chairman Salvador Gabarró opened the Cordal de Montouto wind farm, which was built by the energy company in the towns of Aranga (A Coruña) and Guitiriz (Lugo).
The President of the Xunta of Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, and the Chairman of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Salvador Gabarró, today opened the A Mariña Lucense gas pipeline by symbolically opening the valve in San Cibrao-Cervo.

