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Measuring the carbon footprint within the supply chain

Implementation phases
In implementing this requirement, the company has established two phases:
- In the first phase, implemented in 2022, suppliers were encouraged to include, voluntarily, a certified measurement of their carbon footprint
as part of their technical proposal. Naturgy may consider this information positively when making the award decision. As of 2023, submission of this certificate is mandatory for purchases involving a certain level of climate change risk. - In addition, since January 2022, depending on their climate change risk or the amount of the contract for which they are bidding, Naturgy has contractually bound certain suppliers to report annually to the company on their performance in achieving climate objectives by completing the CDP Supply Chain questionnaire.
Employee training
To ensure the success of this initiative, the active participation of personnel involved in the purchasing process is essential. To accomplish this, the individuals involved have received the necessary training though specific sessions to understand the new developments introduced in the purchasing process and their implications.
The specific training events are part of a broader effort to provide training and knowledge dissemination to the employees within the purchasing teams. These training programs are conducted regularly to ensure the effective application of sustainability principles among the company’s buyers and internal stakeholders involved in purchasing decisions. The objective is to provide them with essential knowledge on designing sustainable strategies, taking into account potential impacts on society and the environment.